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Student Advisory Board for the Dean of Students

The Student Advisory Board for the Dean of Students is composed of a diverse group of students who meet with the Dean of Students regularly to discuss broader student needs on campus. These students represent a wide variety of majors, demographics, and experiences to provide unique perspectives. 

Journey Calder: sophomore; Pre-Communication Disorders; College of Education and Applied Human Sciences 

Brittany Collins: junior; Agriculture; College of STEM; transfer student; Center for Student Parents

Arturo Cortes: freshman; Finance and Spanish (double major); College of Business; College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences; Dr. Rodney Gross Scholar; NOVA

Ashley Hardin: senior; Social Work; College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences; Center for Student Parents

Mauro Madrid Perez: graduate student; Masters in Biology program; College of STEM; Latino Student Association; Graduate Assistant, Bobby Verdugo and Yoli Rios Bilingual Peer Mentoring Center; EKU Alumni

Kyra Mills: senior; Emergency Medical Care; College of Justice, Safety, and Military Science; Honors Program; Epsilon Sigma Pi, paramedic fraternity; First Year Leader; Kentucky National Guard; Student Government Association

Kaleigh Oldham: senior; Occupational Science; College of Health Sciences; Resident Advisor; EKU Guru, Student Success Center; NOVA; Alpha Lambda Delta Honors Society; Council for Exceptional Children 

Adriana Steele: senior, Music; College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences; EKU Marching Band

Chelsea Stephens: sophomore; Elementary Education; College of Education and Applied Human Sciences; Admissions Recruitment Ambassador; First-Year Leader

Jake Weston: senior; Finance; College of Business; Honors Program; EKU Guru

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