Languages Database
On this page you will find the information of the many bilingual faculty and staff that work at Eastern Kentucky University. As you can see, our campus is extremely diverse and includes bilinguals with many different linguistic backgrounds.
If you are an EKU student who would like to connect with someone who shares your language, find their information below and contact that person. Email them from your EKU student email account to ask questions and/or request a meeting.
If you are an EKU faculty or staff member who would like to volunteer to help a student, please fill out the Languages Database webform.
Note: This is not a tutoring resource. For assistance with your classes, go to Tutoring Scheduler.
Chinese (Mandarin)
- Michael Chen, Department of Psychology (
- Qian Xiao, Management, (
- Mary Liu, Department of Mathematics and Statistics (
- Amanda Green, Language and Cultural Studies, Sociology, and Anthropology (
- Randi Polk, Honors Program (
- Alana Ghent, Music (
Ga, Dangme, Twi
- Ida Kumoji-Ankrah, Art and Design (
- Radhika Makecha, Psychology (
- Ogechi Anyanwu, African and African American Studies (
- Eric Lancaster, Language and Cultural studies, Anthropology, and Sociology (
- Yoshie Nakai, Psychology (
- Mi-Hee Jeon, Clinical Therapeutic Programs (
- Jeongwoo Kim, Government (
- Elizabeth Underwood, Language and Cultural studies, Anthropology, and Sociology (
- Sung Bae Jeon, Physics, Geosciences and Astronomy (
- Jiyeon Park, Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership (
- Kwan Yi, Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership (
- Monika Jaroszewicz Banbel, Bratzke Center (
- Bernardo Scarambone, Music (
- Raymond Lauk, Teaching, Learning, And Educational Leadership (
- Abraham Velez de Cea, History, Philosophy and Religious Studies (
- David Coleman, Honors Program (
- Socorro Zaragoza, Language and Cultural Studies, Anthropology, and Sociology (
- Manuel Cortés-Castaneda, Language and Cultural studies, Anthropology, and Sociology (
- José Juan Gómez-Becerra, Language and Cultural studies, Anthropology, and Sociology (
- Sara Incera, Psychology (
- Kerem Kalkan, Government (